organization: finished

February 24th, 2008 at 12:06 pm

by mary

cleaned desk

I finally finished organizing my desk! I removed all the cardboard boxes today and organized my filing cabinet. There’s still one folder to go, but hey, I think I can give myself some slack. I filed away everything that had been sitting in a box and put everything else away. My in/out boxes are being used properly (in the picture you can see I already have some “in” items). The only thing I have to left to do from my list is put my old phone on eBay (which doesn’t really have to do with the organization of my desk, but I had put it on my list) and to donate the stuff I don’t want anymore. It looks so nice and clean now! I have been making a very good effort lately to not let additional things pile up so I hope I can keep up with it. Yay!

In other news, yesterday I went to a cake show in La Jolla. The San Diego Cake Club holds an annual cake show. The show benefits the Muscular Dystrophy Association. They had a raffle and a cupcake corner where you could decorate your own cupcakes. They also had demos for different cake techniques. I took a bunch of pictures of cakes which I’ll stick up here later. They were some amazing cakes! It made me want to make some cupcakes last night, but alas, I didn’t have enough eggs and not enough will to go out and get eggs. But soon! Cupcakes. Mmmm.

Here’s a photo of one of my favorite cakes from the show. I just like how whimsical it is. Plus, I just little edible frying pans with eggs and bacon. It’s cute!

chef cake - san diego cake club show

Posted in baking, life

One Response

  1. amy purple

    the top of your desk is practically sparking! congrats!

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