i felt an itching in my thumbs

June 11th, 2007 at 9:56 pm

by mary

I hardly did a thing this weekend. I slept a bunch. I did some grocery shopping so I would be good this week and bring my lunch to work and eat breakfast at home and stop spending extra money so I could maybe actually save some money instead and pay off things. I flaked today and forgot to do a variety of things, like calling to make multiple doctor’s appointments (yes, multiple), calling in to refill my prescriptions, getting my car washed, canceling things I don’t want or need, applying for my passport (I’m not going anyway, but with the laws changing soon it’s a good thing to have) and other things that I probably forgot about already. They’re such minor little things but they all add up to make me feel unproductive because they’re things I put off doing. I’m generally a happy, mellow, girl but sometimes I get in little funks where I think I’m uncool and unproductive and unloved. But I know it’s a silly passing phase. Because really, I know I rock and that I’m cool and I make neat things. Sometimes my head tells me dumb stuff and I have to ask it why it’s being all dumb and it never has a good answer for me. Maybe I should just stop talking to myself. Hmmmm.

I did do some fun things this weekend! And I wasn’t all stupid mopey like this all weekend, that was just tonight. But yesterday Maya, Julia and I ventured to Ocean Beach to hit the Dog Beach. Since it’s June and somewhat warm and partially sunny (sorry, tourists), there were enough people there to make parking difficult. But we eventually found a spot and hiked over to the beach. Maya drank the ocean a few times, unfazed each time, and ran in circles around Julia and I. Then we went over to Hudson Bay Seafood for some tasty eats and then (yes, more food) to Gelato Vero for some gelato. They let me bring Maya in which I thought was super nice. I got the chocolate hazelnut gelato (yum) and Julia got pistachio. More days should end with gelato and less dumb thoughts.

Posted in life

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