
November 30th, 2008 at 5:50 pm

by mary

Last week at work was awful. They laid off about 40 people. I managed to keep my job, but pretty much all of my work friends were laid off. There have been so many changes and adjustments at work that it’s simply not the same place it used to be. It’s unfun and kind of lonely. The only sort-of plus is that I have the option to either work from home once a week, or take the day off and have a four day work week. This would allow me to put in some extra time and effort into my side projects, like Sugar Branch Designs and doing my writing for San Diego Wedding Insider. So I guess that’s good, right?

In any case, it was nice to have the holiday to try and deal with this crap, though I still thought it was shitty to lay everyone off right before the start of the holidays. But whatever.

Sigh. I’ll just drown my sorrows in the joy of my new Xbox 360 and just leave it at that.

Posted in random

One Response

  1. Remj

    I’ve been cooking lately. Gnocchi! Youtube was kind in demonstrating how to shape the gnocchi. I just started my first pizza dough, so I can make calzones tonight.

    I hope the your year has started better than how your November ended.

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