
October 3rd, 2007 at 7:46 pm

by mary

this doesn’t really affect anyone but me, but i upgraded my wordpress blog finally. of course, now none of my links on the right work and i am not a whiz with the mysql stuff. so. yeah. that’ll be back someday, i’m sure. if nothing else, i’ll just delete them all and try to start over and see if that magically works. i complained about it to my co-worker. maybe he’s magical.

i took my car in to get looked at and OF COURSE i forgot to take a picture of the stellar damage that was incurred. oh well. my new hot ride is a white toyota corolla. i have so much experience driving a corolla, considering i don’t have one, that i think i should just be given some kind of honorary membership into the toyota corolla club.

i leave you with a photo of my “new dog” aka “maya with haircut”. you want to know how i knew it was time for her to get a haircut? last week she was scratching behind her ear and her foot got stuck in her fur. uh huh. exactly.

maya, a new dog

Posted in maya, random

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