i was happily shopping for baking stuff today down in pacific beach with julia. we went to the great news cooking school so i could pick up a cake board and cake box for the birthday cake i’m going to make for jacob this week (he doesn’t read my blog so i feel safe saying what it’ll be – a star wars themed cake, complete with storm troopers!). after we went there we were going to head over to clairemont to check out this store called “do it with icing!”, another cake and candy supply store. on our way out of pb, i got hit from behind by another car. smoosh. my right tail light is completely gone and my trunk is kinda smooshed and the bumper is all crazy scratched up. the woman that hit me was nice, if not totally scatterbrained. it made me nervous and anxious for most of the afternoon but really i was in a surprisingly good mood about it. julia was nice enough to write down everything for me since i was pretty shaky. jacob just happened to be on his lunch break at work and called me and headed over to make sure i was okay, which i thought was so sweet of him. he is the bestest. so yeah. my car is kinda smooshed. i’m not really mad about it, sort of bummed since the car will be paid off in three months but at least it wasn’t my fault and i’m okay and uninjured. i’m expecting a bruise across the chest but nothing more then some nervousness. ahhhhh, what a day.
Posted in life