in the summertime when the weather is hot you can stretch right up and touch the sky

June 17th, 2007 at 6:38 pm

by mary


yesterday i headed off to the county fair with alyssa. alyssa is my fair-going buddy, we like to do the same things at the fair every year and we’ve very habitual creatures. we see the same things every year and we never get tired of it. the fair used to be referred to as “the del mar fair” which really is still called that by anyone who’s a local, but they changed the name to “the san diego county fair” a couple of year’s ago since san diego is a more well known place than del mar (that’s my guess, anyway).

we always start the fair off by going through the garden exhibit. this year’s theme of the fair was “a salute to heroes” and a lot of the displays seemed to fall short of really carrying out the theme. a few did a good job, such as the fireman setting which used a fire hose as the fountain head and another display that used yellow flowers to form a peace ribbon. after that, we started in on the food, which is the real reason for our yearly trips to the fair. i started out with the garlic battered mushrooms. i also had finger steaks with fried zucchini (not something i would get again, it was just okay), a date shake (which was disappointing and not nearly date-y enough), a half slice of sourdough bread covered in melted cheeses, share of a blooming onion, and some fried oreos that alyssa got. alyssa also tried the krispy kreme donut sandwich, which is a krispy kreme jelly donut with fried chicken, and i had a bite of it. it seemed like a very extreme form of chicken and waffles, or rather, in the same ballpark as least – chicken with sweet stuff. i felt like grease might start streaming through my veins after this adventure, but it’s always worth it. luckily it’s only once a year. i also bought some blueberry cheesecake flavored lollipops, to be shared later with my boyfriend when i see him next.

blooming onion from the san diego county fair

we checked out the woodwork exhibit which is also one of our favorites before stopped for pepsi’s and sitting, cursing the sun when it came out from behind the cloud cover. then we swung over and looked at some of the animals – less than usual since we got distracted when we noticed that they were doing demo’s for the wii. we did a bowling demo. i sucked at it. i didn’t understand what i was doing at first which is also why i think i sucked, but i’m also just bad at bowling, whether its real or generated. we watched reo speedwagon for about 20 minutes as we munched on the blooming onion, got bored of them and then left. we briefly looked at the artwork and then headed out, not going up for the usual photography exhibit that we usually hit. we probably would have looked at it if we hadn’t gone to see reo speedwagon, but we were getting tired and just decided to leave. in any case, i love the fair and i love my friend alyssa! also, i love the foods. mmm.

here, you can go see the rest of my photos from the fair, if you want to. no pressure.

Posted in eating out, life

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