
April 11th, 2007 at 8:44 pm

by mary

This was my first trip to SOMA. Most people go to SOMA for the first time when they’re in high school as it’s one of the only all-ages venues in town but I don’t know, I wasn’t really into shows or something back then. We saw “The Almost”, “Saves the Day” and “Say Anything”. There was also another dude, John Ralston, who we only saw for two songs and it seemed more like a warm up than anything else. I checked out his website earlier this week and it doesn’t even say that he’s on tour, so obviously he’s really serious about getting people to come out and see him. Hmmm!

“The Almost” were almost okay. I listened to their CD but wasn’t really impressed either way. There was one song that I liked which they played last but I still wasn’t into it. The guy thought he was cooler than he was and he had prettier hair than I did. We though “Say Anything” would come on next, but we were wrong. “Saves the Day” came out next and “Say Anything” was headlining (which, gee, made sense since my tickets said “Saves the Day” on them?). I don’t really care for them either. I really cared for them quite less when I found myself in the middle of a mosh pit as soon as they started playing. After awhile I just tried to stand my ground and shove away as many people who invaded my space as possible. My only hope is that I bruised them as much as they bruised me. Damn kids. I feel old saying that, but honestly. Is there any reason to go shoving people and jumping around like a freak? It’s just a band people, come the fuck on.

“Say Anything” made for a slightly mellower crowd, plus we moved more over to the right and we less in the mosh pit than before. They played some damn rockin good songs, like “Alive With the Glory of Love” (opener), (the rest in random order since my memory is not *that* good): “Woe”, “The Futile”, “Yellow Cat (slash) Red Cat”, “Every Man Has a Molly”, “An Orgy of Critics”, “Little Girls”, “Metal Now” “A Walk Through Hell” and they closed with “Wow, I Can Get Sexual, Too”. They didn’t do an encore because they said “Let’s not waste anyone’s time here and just not do an encore.” since they were starting to run out of time. Hearing “A Walk Through Hell” made me very very very excited. I wish they had also played “Total Revenge” but that’s at least I got A Walk Through Hell. They might have also played something else, but that’s all that I remember. I was just glad to not be flailing about anymore by the time they came out. Yay shows! My next show will be They Might Be Giants at the Belly Up. yayayaya.

Also on the way home when I was alone in the car after dropping off my concert partner in crime, there was a creepy guy in an SUV driving next to me. I was in the middle lane and he in the fast and he was matching my speed and so I thought, “Why the fuck is this guy driving next to me like this?” and I look over and he’s staring at me and I turn to look ahead again. And he’s still driving right next to me. So I keep looking. He eventually turns on his map light and it looks like he’s trying to pull something out of his pants. But I’m only half paying attention because really, I don’t want to die driving on the road next to a someone who’s being weird. Eventually he gives up his quest and slows way, way down, switches lanes and doesn’t try to catch up with me again. People are so freaky weird sometimes.

Posted in life

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