
March 22nd, 2007 at 7:01 am

by mary

so when someone close to you hurts you, what do you do? if its someone you’ve been dating, usually you stop seeing each other and you get over it by not seeing them anymore and trying to move on as best you can. time heals just about all the wounds you’ll ever have. but what if you still want to be friends? is it possible? even with the range of emotions this person is causing you – sadness, anger, fear, confusion, frustration, and the good old basic heart ache – can you forgive and make something new out of the relationship you once had? the hard part in lot of breakups is having to get used to the person not being there anymore. but when you’ve created a new, unexperienced sort of breakup with someone who doesn’t go by the usual rules, you have to readapt instead. they want to be there for you even though they’re the cause of the hurt. do you let them? can you move on by letting them be there for you when they’ve caused the hurt? can you forgive and forge a new relationship? these are the questions i’ve been asking myself lately. time will tell, i suppose. that’s what i keep telling myself anyway. would my life be better without this person? ultimately the answer to that question is no. so i must learn to deal with new, strange things all over again. will it be worth it? i certainly hope so. time will tell, as usual. and for now, i just keep moving forward as best i can.

Posted in life

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