start with a weak foundation, you will end in ruins

March 12th, 2007 at 8:43 pm

by mary

Last week wasn’t exactly the best week of my life, and now that it’s over I can talk about it somewhat. Had the quick trip to Massachusetts to visit my family and my sick grandmother (we call her Memere). Memere was fairly out of it most of the time we were at the hospital, but she did have some moments of clarity in which she recognized me and held my hand and smiled at me. She was doing okay – not eating too much, bedridden, a bit doped up on medication and had her lucid moments. It was strange to see her this way, not quite the Memere that I remembered, but some semblance of her was still there. I saw tons and tons of relatives, some I didn’t recognize but who knew me and I got to experience a bit of how fast things travel through the “family grapevine”. Got to see a bit of snow, a nice 5 minute whiteout as the arctic front came in, had some delicious fried calms which I can only seem to get on the East Coast and pretty much coasted through our very short trip. We left Lemonister and headed out for Hartford, CT at 4am last Tuesday and with the wind chill it was probably in the negative teens. Got back to 73 degree weather in San Diego and instantly starting melting. Oy. All in all it was good to see her and the family I hardly ever get to see. I’m not much like them – they’re pretty much all chatterboxes while I’m this quiet little listener.

I’ve been pretty sad the past few days, and not due my grandmother, but some other things that have been going on that … eh, I don’t really want to post about here. Let’s just say that I’m trying to learn about new beginnings and how to deal with new situations that I haven’t been placed in before. That some people you meet in life are so special and awesome that even though things don’t go how you expected them to, that it doesn’t necessarily always mean the end, but perhaps a new start to hopefully a new path that you hadn’t expected to walk along and that you can tread on together.

New obsessions: Heroes. Six more weeks til a new episode?! Why the hell did I watch all the episodes this weekend? Damn me. Also, someone got me into liking Coldplay and I find myself listening to it again and again, with a special focus on “The Scientist”, among others. Damn it. I didn’t know I liked Coldplay. I wasn’t paying attention, I guess.

PS – Do you know what song the title of my post is from? I hope so, because it’s awesome and you should know it.

Posted in life

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