always learning

January 14th, 2007 at 8:50 pm

by mary

I learned a few things this weekend.

  1. Ben Stiller can still make a decent movie. Re: “Night at the Museum”. I’m not a huge Stiller fan, I think he’s a overrated in a lot of things, but I do like him in “Mystery Men” and in “Night at the Museum”. I thought “Meet the Parents” was the most uncomfortable movie ever and that “Something About Mary” wasn’t as funny as everyone said it was.
  2. It’s fun to introduce people to new, delicious food that they haven’t had before, like Chicken Katsu and Jack n’ Jill Chiz Curls. It’s also fun to cook for people.
  3. Dancing is fun when you have a partner who loves to dance. It even makes me want to dance more often and alcohol may not even be necessary.
  4. I look pretty good in a dress. My hair doesn’t like to curl.
  5. It’s amusing to see your co-workers drunk. Especially to see your boss tipsy and giggly.
  6. Jack Daniels might secretly be veritaserum.
  7. Sometimes when you are really really drunk, you will write silly letters and or emails and or say stuff you would not normally say. Is it good or bad? I don’t know. But usually it’s the truth about the situation and you pour your heart out because all of your defenses are down and your heart comes out onto your sleeve and and it feels good to just speak the truth when normally you hold things back. But you might be embarrassed about it the next day but you probably shouldn’t worry too much about it anyway.
  8. I want to do another round robin story.

My company’s black tie New Year’s party was on Saturday and it was pretty awesome. The food was good, there was an open bar, I had a hot date, and I felt all pretty and grown up. I also spent the weekend with a super special person and we learned some new things about each other, had some really fun good times and enjoyed each other’s company. The new year is off to really awesome start, even though I was sick all weekend. Being sick comes second to having fun!

Posted in life

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