christmas in vegas

December 27th, 2006 at 7:49 pm

by mary

Spending Christmas in Vegas was much better than spending it at home, I must say. I took a lovely 40 minute walk down the strip (which, when you look at it on a map, everything seems so close together… and then you start to walk and you’re like… HEY! This is far! It took me 10-15 minutes just to walk past the Wynn alone! I’m not staying at the Sahara again, sheesh) and then I was treated to a very lovely gondola ride outside the Venetian with a certain someone who was in town at the same time as me. It was very beautiful and serene – the ride was right at dusk and the moon was out as well, making for a wonderful, romantic ride.

Later that night, after poking around in FAO Schwarz and then losing some money over at Caesar’s Palace, I discovered a little piano bar in the Paris hotel called “Napolean’s”. I listened to some dueling pianos and was pretty entertained (I even got to a hear a rendition of “Short People Ain’t Got No Reason To Live” which I’m sure someone I know out there will find amusing). The night was topped off with more drinking, more gambling, and some very tired feet. Monday I was pretty much tired all day, but I got a nice fill of some tasty cheap food (think $2.99 steak & eggs and later a $1 big basket of hot wings), watched “Big Elvis” perform, and of course, lost more money playing the Star Wars penny slots. That’s what you do in Vegas, though, isn’t it? I really wanted to go to the Star Trek experience since our hotel was right next to it, but my feet pretty much gave out on me. Next time I head out to Vegas, I’m going on the Star Trek thing. And I want to spring for tickets to check out Penn & Teller. Ohhhh yes.

Posted in life

2 Responses

  1. Bastard

    “I even got to a hear a rendition of “Short People Ain’t Got No Reason To Live” which I’m sure someone I know out there will find amusing”

    My god… I would have paid money to have been present for such a momentous event. I guess there really IS a reason to go to Las Vegas after all.

  2. NaughtyVoyeur

    I was lurking about to see if anyone else went to Vegas around Christmas.. and I found you 🙂 We did the Star Trek Experience, it was a lot of fun. There are 2 rides, you can ride them as many times as you like. However, you should have had lunch or dinner in Quark’s restaurant.. it’s very cool. We had a blue dude (Andorian I think?) and a Klingon come to our table. Great for photos 😉 There are some on my blog if you’re bored. One of the rides made me lose my lunch.. almost 🙂 The other was fun…

    And I love the short people song. I first heard it when that little short ice skater skated it to it when he won an Olympic medal.. for his show piece. And loved it. Short people scare me 🙂

    Have a wonderful New year! And great blog! I love CRAFTY people!! I’m sure I’ll be back 🙂

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