l&l hawaiian barbecue

June 28th, 2006 at 9:01 pm

by mary

For lunch today I decided I’d be adventurous and try something new. I went to L&L Hawaiian Barbecue in the Mira Mesa Mall. I couldn’t remember where it was exactly – the sign for it is past the mall a bit and next to some shops outside of the main mall area. Anyway, it was weird. But I found it!

I didn’t actually get any barbecue, instead I opted for the Fried Shrimp mini plate which gets you 4 huge shrimp, a scoop of rice and a scoop of macaroni salad. On the menu it says a “regular” plate will get you 2 scoops of rice, but I hope for the extra $2-$3 dollars you also get more of the main entree, otherwise that’s some pricey rice. At this location they also offered beef lumpia (4 for $1) which I could not pass up. I love lumpia and hardly ever get to eat it. I’ve tried to make the frozen ones they have at the asian market but they put weird sauce in it. This lumpia was tasty, not as good as my mom’s of course, but good nonetheless. Next time I would just opt for a mini plate since I was quite full after my meal. The shrimp was perfect and the macaroni salad was really tasty. Not bad for $4.95!

I did have a picture of my mini plate, but I ran out of gallery room on my phone and didn’t realize it! Doh. Instead, here’s a picture of my lumpia and my drink.

They offer all types of main entrees – from beef, chicken, pork and seafood to burgers and noodles (there was also something with spam, but I forget what exactly – I think spam and noodles?). Next time I think I’ll try some barbecue!

Posted in eating out

7 Responses

  1. Jill

    I have one of these restaurants near my home, but I’ve never tried it. Maybe I’ll have to check it out sometime.

    PS – I just found your blog while doing a search for carrot cake cookies!

  2. mary

    How cool you found me that way!

    You should check L&L out, it’s pretty tasty. At least, the shrimp is. But I’m sure everything else is, too.

  3. liz

    l&l is pretty delicious. the regular plates are huge, mini obviously has a different meaning for them.

  4. mary

    if ever i have not eaten all day, maybe i will get the regular plate. or, share it. liz, let’s share!

  5. liz

    the regular plate is good for those who have been stranded in the desert for days or held captive without food. either fast or go to l&l with me. or tie yourself up for a day or two. this could be interesting…

  6. kristina

    hii! i work at the L&L’s all over san diego! :] just randomly googling the company to see what our reviews have been down here. glad you enjoyed the food! just fyi… the regular plate has an extra scoop of rice AND more of the entree on it. every day i have at least 3 people ask me if the only difference between the mini and regular was the scoop of rice. :] btw. the spam thing you were mentioning is probably the SPAM MUSUBI. it’s spam and sticky rice shaped into a rectangle and wrapped in seaweed. much like a japanese sushi roll! :] take care.

    -kris from l&l national city

  7. mary

    it’s so nice to have answers to my questions! thanks kris!

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