some kind of joke

June 13th, 2006 at 6:28 pm

by mary

I got my iPod today… well, sort of. I got the box from, happily opened it to find… no iPod. There was a cd, a manual, some headphones and a power cable… and that’s it. I called Overstock to complain and the guy informed me that they would have to “track it down” and that it could take up to 10 days for them to find it I guess. At that time, they’ll let me know, and I can then have it replaced or some such. Sigh.

Posted in random

5 Responses

  1. stacey

    hit them with sticks!

  2. mary

    i will, i will go to simi valley to hit them with very large sticks!

  3. alyssa

    overstock is in simi valley?

  4. mary

    yeah, that’s what it said on the packing slip anyway.

  5. alyssa

    well then, after you hit them with sticks we can go to dinner.

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