primary election

May 26th, 2006 at 5:08 pm

by mary

When it gets closer to an election date, we see an increase in the number of calls to our house. Recorded messages, pollsters looking for feedback and wanting us to answer surverys, and people trying to get us to vote for so and so. The other day, someone called and told me to vote for Brian Bilbray, who’s running for Congress to replace Randy “Duke” Cunningham’s seat. I told him, “Sorry, we all voted already and we all voted for someone else.” He tried to sound sad about it, but it sounded more like he wanted to tell me to go screw myself.

Posted in random

2 Responses

  1. KittyChan

    For some reson, my mom actually sat through one of their stupid surveys. After she hung up, three different people called with the SAME survey. I just check caller I.D. and if it says “out of area,” well, they can leave a message if it’s important. They never do.

  2. mary

    Yeah, I should just stop answering the phone. I wish we had caller ID on the phone upstairs.

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