avocado fest

April 24th, 2006 at 12:13 pm

by mary

The Avocado Fest yesterday was fun, though it wasn’t really what I was expecting. It was really more like a street fair with a bunch of vendors. I was expecting more avocado samplings and different takes on how to eat it, but in the end we just had chips with guacamole and a sampling of some avocado fudge (it was kind of grainy and extra sweet). The only other avocado thing we saw was tempura avocado, which we did not try. There weren’t really even any good deals on buying avocados, which was a bummer. Besides the giant avocado we saw (see above) there was also a guy dressed up as an avocado. Julia thought I should get my picture taken with him, but my childhood fear of people dressed in costumes kicked in and I didn’t want to. He had creepy arms. Is it possible to have creepy arms? Yes. So I opted for my photo with the giant avocado that could not put it’s arm around me.

We had some other tasty foods that did not involve avocados, including some chocolate covered strawberries, street-style tacos, jerky samplings, fruit samplings and shrimp tempura. Everything we bought was pretty cheap (like a $1 each) except for the chips and gucamole and the tempure. Woo for cheap things!

Julia and I both won tickets for the county fair as well. They had a booth with a spin-the-wheel deal. She went first and won the tickets and I thought I’d just win a pencil. But lo and behold, we both won. It was awesome.

Posted in eating out

3 Responses

  1. Jme

    Mmmm, avocardo. I had a hankering for some good avocado dip to go with my carrot sticks the other day. 😛 And that giant avocado looks so funny! 🙂 (A muuuccchhh better choice than a guy dressed up as one.)

  2. alyssa

    that looks like a whole lotta cilantro!

  3. mary

    lucky for me i like cilantro!

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