blurry vision

January 24th, 2006 at 12:39 am

by mary

three years is about a long enough wait to get your eyes checked, so i finally got mine done. really, i might have waited longer if not for my increasingly bad vision and not being able to see as well at night. i went to sears optical for my exam and glasses and saw perhaps the best optometrist i’ve ever had. she explained everything to me about my eyes, what kinds of conditions i had (i knew i was nearsighted, but she also told me i had an astigmatism, which i did not know), what i could do to help prevent worsening eyesight, and even let me try out some contact lens. i had never tried contacts before due to irrational fears (the contact will get stuck behind my head!). they were actually quite comfortable, but i decided not to get contacts. i got some totally neat frames with some clip on sunglasses (which i will make sure these do not get a tumble in the dryer like my last ones). they are similar to my current ones, but a little smaller and squarer. yay!

i was sort of amazed that none of my previous eye doctors told me i had an astigmastism. they pretty much did not tell me anything. my last eye doctor annoyed the hell of me. while sitting in the chair with that crazy eye-checking optometry mask in front of me and looking at the different lenses, he actually would just pass his hand in front of the eye that was being tested, not change anything, and ask which looked better (1… or 2?). i could tell that you didn’t change the lens at all, lame eye doctor man!

i also got one of those dilation tests, which fucked up my vision for awhile. i couldn’t wear my glasses while i looked for new frames and they were nice enough to turn down the lighting for me. i couldn’t read anything for awhile, but it was clear if i just looked straight ahead. i checked my phone before i left the store and found i could hardly see it. dilation tests = sad. at least i have no other eye problems.

aside from fun eye things, i got jury duty summons … again. i forgot about the “one day, one trial” thing. if you don’t get on a trial, you can get summoned every year. only trial people get out of it for three years! oy.

Posted in life

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