
January 13th, 2006 at 5:36 pm

by mary

July 1988 – January 13, 2006

Our dog, Rocky, was put to rest today. He was getting quite old and the signs of age were really showing. As sad as it is for me, I knew it was time for him to move on from this life.

Rocky was my birthday present for my 10th birthday. He always indulged me in my games, such as when I used to pretend he and I were spies in the jungle in our backyard, looking in on the neighbors. One summer, my friend Sarah and I painted an old wheelbarrow and called it the “Peacemobile”. I would get Rocky to jump inside and I would give him rides around the yard in the wheelbarrow. He seemed to love it, always sitting patiently and wagging his tail while I drove him around.

Rocky loved to chase the birds that flew over our yard. He even liked to play with bees, continuing to bark at them even after they had stung him. He was once obessesed with our next door neighbor’s rabbit (who had a fatal demise after coming too close to the fence once day). He would only howl at the passing train and only if he knew he wasn’t being watched. I used to let him into the house on Saturday mornings so he could watch cartoons with me. He would take naps with me outside in our hammock.

Rocky’s been a wonderful companion and friend throughout the years. Rocky, I miss you, old friend. Rest in peace.

Posted in random

2 Responses

  1. Lorena Gonzalez

    I found your blog on the sampler. sorry about your loss. Rocky is such a beautiful dog. At least he lived a long happy life with you.

  2. mary

    thank you for your kind words!

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