
January 8th, 2006 at 7:28 pm

by mary

last week i trekked across the country back to massachusetts for one of my college roommate’s weddings (the last of the roomies to marry!). we flew into manchester, nh which is way nicer than flying into boston. flying into boston and getting your rental car and trying to get around is stressful and a hassle. in manchester, we didn’t even have to go on a shuttle bus to get to the rental cars – they were across the street from the airport. there about 15 gates total so it’s not a very large airport either. it’s easy to get in and out of! i thought it was awesome.

the wedding itself was on new year’s eve. it started to snow a little before brandon and i left to go to the church (and pick up georgy beforehand at the T station). we got a little lost on the way to pick up georgy and i blame the lack of signage in the general new england area. i don’t know why they have such an aversion to signage, but it’s annoying. the wedding was very nice despite me not knowing about things (like, after readings or prayers or something, you’re supposed to say stuff! crazy). the reception was also nice, filled with an array of desserts and delicious treats and an open bar. brandon and i stayed just after midnight and retreated upstairs. all in all it was a good wedding/reception and i got to see a few of my old friends.

we also went out to see my grandparents (and ate some very tasty seafood). we also took the commuter rail into boston one day and wandered around the city. i showed brandon around BU and we went to an old BU haunt for some pizza with georgy and rick. then we wandered around the boston commons and around one of the cemetaries before parting ways with geogry and rick at newbury comics. brandon and i then went through fanueil hall and quincy market and then had some delicious pasta in the north end, topped off with some cannolis and a few other tasty treats. when we came back from the train, we actually gave the lady in the parking booth a couple of cannolis – she gave us a discount on our parking even though we didn’t have our train ticket with us anymore. she was so excited to get them! i was amused.

our last day of fun was spent in manchester, mostly for some shopping. nh has no sales tax! awww yeah. we took full advantage of that and bought some cool things for ourselves. one of the places we went was “the mall of new hampshire”. it was literally called, “the mall”. i also found this to be very amusing.

it was a pretty awesome trip. i even finished a book during the trip (“to kill a mockingbird” – brandon got it for me for my birthday) and i got to eat whole fried calms (mmmm). it was very cold with a little snow. there was a nor’easter when i was there, but we were far enough north of it that there was no snow where we stayed. when i came back home, the next day was about 85 degrees – completely different from the chilly 30 in ma. i just about longed for the cold that day. one more wedding to go to this year (brandon’s brother!) and then i should be done with weddings for awhile. phew.

Posted in life

One Response

  1. holly

    Mary, thanks so much for all the tasty treats! I especially liked the cookies and tea. They’re great before bedtime snacks!

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