donuts, chinese food, and chicken parmesan

December 24th, 2005 at 1:56 am

by mary

I was driving around today doing some shopping for Christmas dinner (I was on a quest for prime rib roast… which is also called standing rib roast… why do things like that have two names?) and when I was trying to find Smart & Final, I spied a restaurant called ‘Chinese Food & Donuts’. I was terribly amused. It made me wish I had a digital camera with me at the moment, but alas, I did not. The shitty camera phone wouldn’t cut it since I was driving in the car. Maybe someday I’ll go back and get some chinese food and donuts.

On another note, Julia came over tonight for dinner and I attempted to make Chicken Parmesan for the first time. I made my own marinara sauce with lots of fresh herbs (what was left in the garden anyway, the big basil bush is just about to die completely). For the chicken parm, Julia flattened them out with a mallet and then I dipped them in flour, then egg, then into some fresh toasted breadcrumbs that I made, fried them up and topped them with fresh mozzarella and parmesan. Man oh man, was it tasty. I almost forgot to make the spaghetti! But it turned out to be timed well because I started the pasta right after the parm went into the oven to bake and melt. It was actually quite easy (and quite tasty) and something I’ll have to make again in the future. And there’s leftovers! Ooo, I can have some again tomorrow!

Posted in random

One Response

  1. Remj

    Your chicken parmesan does sound easy. Do you have a copy of the recipe you can share?

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