turkey day

November 25th, 2005 at 11:37 am

by mary

Yesterday I cooked my first Thanksgiving meal for Brandon and I, since it was just the two of us. There was a hitch or two, such as the turkey wasn’t done when I thought it would be and the outside was too salty (but the inside was tasty!). Since the turkey wasn’t done when I thought it would be, we had a mostly vegetarian meal: mashed potatoes, green beans, fresh baked rolls, cornbread stuffing, pumpkin pie and pecan pie. Mmm, it was tasty. If I make Thanksgiving meals again anytime soon maybe I’ll learn some lessons about turkey. Everything else was good though. I think my stuffing was the best part. I was going to make the stuffing my dad usually makes, which is a pork stuffing, but I couldn’t remember all the ingredients that go in it. So instead I winged it a little and make some cornbread stuffing. Mmm. I should have made more, as we had it for leftovers for dinner tonight and now it’s all gone. Boo hoo. There’s still some cornbread left though so I could probably whip up a bit more if I feel so inclined.

Besides the food, Thanksgiving was a nice, low key day. Brandon and I watched some Firefly and played with Maya. It’s been a nice, relaxing, lo-key kind of week. I hope everyone had an equally enjoyable day.

Posted in cooking, life

2 Responses

  1. jen

    ok i am now officially nervous. i sent out your craft swap stuff to you like back on november 18th or something. yu had to have received it by now! please let me know if you didn’t because i’m am freaking out.

  2. mary

    I did get it! I just sent you an email about that!

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