blueberry muffins

November 10th, 2005 at 12:34 pm

by mary

I can’t find the digital camera, so I used my camera phone. My camera phone sux.

I made blueberry muffins this morning using a recipe from the Splenda website. I wanted to make something my mom could eat (she’s just found out she’s diabetic) and thought I’d try it out. I don’t know what went wrong or if maybe this is a crappy recipe because these muffins did not turn out well. I think the biggest problem was that there was too much flour. I followed the recipe exactly and at the end it says to spoon your batter into the paper cups, but by the time I was at the end, it was more doughy than a batter. I had to add a lot more milk to smooth the mixture out so it was a batter-like consistenty again. The muffins mostly just tasted floury. Bleah. This is defintely not a recipe I’m going to use again.

I did spy a recipe I would like to try sometime: Blueberry Muffins with Hazelnut Streusel. I love hazelnuts, so I’ve bookmarked that page for future use.

Posted in baking

3 Responses

  1. alyssa

    you may already know all of this, but i’ll tell you anyway in case you don’t. i took a class at the herb farm where we learned a whole lot about flour and how to use it. first, most flours vary significantly from crop to crop as far as density and quality, so two bags can produce really different results. king arthur flour is one that is produced to me more consistent, so you get better results. second, you should scoop your flour into the measuring vessel you’re using, letting it sit there loosely. if you and me and all our friends stuck cups into flour and scraped them across the top, we would all have pretty different amounts of flour if we measured them. most recipe measurements are of flour that has been spooned into the measuring cup, and not packed down. the end!

  2. alyssa

    produced to be more consistent, i mean. i hate making typos.

  3. mary

    yeah, flour lessons! i think this recipe just sucked. i looked at other recipes and they didn’t use nearly as much flour. but, oh well. try again later. thanks for the tips!

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