first day of work

October 3rd, 2005 at 6:49 pm

by mary

It’s a good thing I didn’t start work last week, because I was sick almost all of last week. I spent some quality time in bed, wishing that the world would stop moving on its own.

I started my first day of work. It was a nice, short 10 minute drive. Woo! It was weird though because I wasn’t really introduced to anyone new and I just headed to the back office. My boss, Mark, introduced me to Elsa, another girl who does the same thing I do. He asked her to show me how to use the system and show me the ropes and everything. She seemed surprised by this as she had never trained anyone and she wasn’t sure where to start or anything, but I think I got the hang of it. I was amused that she watches anime at her desk during lunch. I watched Excel Saga with her and had no idea what was going on.

I also didn’t really have a desk. There was a desk in there with plastic in all the drawers that the president told me he was considering taking for his office but he wasn’t sure. Also, my computer was on top of a mini-fridge. Elsa and I moved the computer to the desk and sat it in an awkward sideways position and I looked at some things for awhile. She watched me do a few more items later and then I spent the last hour reading the news online because I wasn’t sure what else I should be doing. Maybe tomorrow someone will tell me about timesheets and stuff.

Oh, and there are two puppies in the office. One in the front office and one in the back where I am. It’s just a cute little thing. It wandered in and said hello to us for awhile.

Posted in life

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