more jobby things

September 14th, 2005 at 6:32 pm

by mary

Yesterday I had a phone interview with a local woman who runs a web design business. She had all the interviewees set up time slots and fill out a 5 page form of questions. It totally felt like homework to me and I did not enjoy it, but I trudged through it (I skipped one though) and some of the questions I just thought were weird. I thought these two were particularly amusing:

  3. Do you understand the difference in web dpi and print dpi? If so, what dpi is most commonly used for the web, for print?
  4. Did you have to look up the answer for the last question (please be honest, it honestly doesn’t matter either way).

No, I did not have to look up the answer, in case you were wondering. Anyway, when I did actually talk to her, I found she was fairly amusing and easy going. And, what was also amusing was that I was on the phone with her for maybe 50 minutes and she talked the majority of the time, talking about her work ethics, how things would go, the enviornment and all that. It was interesting.

I also went to a Job Fair at the Mission Valley Doubletree Inn. My dad thought I should go. I thought it was a complete waste of time. Basically they had a bunch of booths with companies handing out free stuff, a list of their job openings and were telling people to apply on-line. I didn’t see any jobs that I wanted to have, so I just wandered around (I even got dressed up for this) and snagged free things (a little put it together yourself airplane, pens, candy, a frisbee, notepad, dry erase board and marker, and a nail file – score!). Looking for a job sucks.

Posted in life

One Response

  1. alyssa

    “Looking for a job sucks.”

    Amen sistah!

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