
September 9th, 2005 at 9:28 am

by mary

I just got back home from my 2 and a half weeks of vacation. Mmm, vacation. It’s nice. It’s also hard to do work while on vacation. So I hardly did any.

First I went to Kansas City. It’s not really that exciting, but we did go to a Dog Show (puppies!) which I found to be pretty exciting. I wanted to sit down and just play with all the puppies that were there, but they were busy with their handlers doing .. dog showy things. But it was fun to see them anyway.

Over Labor Day weekend, Brandon and I went to my college roommate’s wedding. I was her maid of honor. I didn’t do the typical maid of honor duties since I live on the other side of the country from her, but I was very honored that she asked me. Honor, honor!

The wedding itself was beautiful. The ceremony was pretty short and sweet (which I thought was good since my heels keep sinking into the grass during the ceremony and I tried my best to lift my heels out without being a distraction). Though since it was in Peddler’s Village (a place with a bunch of shops) and it was a holiday, there were a ton of extra spectators. Someone commented that admission should have been charged for the extras, then they could have made some money back! We were entertainment to tourists! The reception was really nice as well, I sat with my fellow college cohorts and it was nice to see everyone and catch up. I danced a bunch even though I didn’t like all of the songs (I liked some!), but it was all in good fun. All the dancing made me a little sore the next day, even!

The weekend went by really quickly. Overall it was terrific to see my friends, be in my friend’s wedding, and enjoy the beautiful weather. The only thing I have to say about PA is that Philadelphia is a really awful airport. Those people are not nice! Both times we were at the airport were not good experiences. I shall recap briefly:

Going in:
1 hour flight delay, 45 minutes to get our bags, unhelpful information booth lady who did not speak loudly and when asked to speak up, rolled her eyes at me (I asked if there were shuttles for the car rentals, she said, “No. You have to go up the escalator towards the arrivals, cross the skybridge, go down another elevator to Zone 2.” What the hell is Zone 2? Hell if I know. Follow these not so great directions to find – OMG – shuttles!), long wait for car rental in very warm, non-air conditioned Hertz rental place. Oh and the signs said “Private Car Pick-Up” instead of “Car Rentals”.

Going out:
Took forever to get back to the airport, plus a few wrong turns. Got dropped off by rental car bus at Terminal A for US Airways. Go to check in, we’re told our bags will not make it on the plane because it is now 40 minutes before boarding and we should have been there 45 minutes before boarding for our bags to get there on time. Then we’re told we’re in the wrong terminal anyway, we should be in Terminal F, for US Airways Express. Terminal F is on the other side of the airport! Were we supposed to know a distinguistion between US Airways and US Airways Express? It’s not like that at our airport. We find a very nice man in shuttle bus to drive us to F. We’re on a small plane so maybe we can just take our bags through security? No. Lady doesn’t like us. She turns her back in a huff. Asked to be put on next flight. Extra three hour wait.

Okay, so despite all that crappy airport stuff, it was a really nice weekend. The photos are here.

Posted in life

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