
June 27th, 2005 at 5:30 pm

by mary

I subscribe to this thing called The Sampler. It’s basically a thing where a bunch of indie crafters get together and they sent in little samples of their work to promote themselves and let other people know about their wares. I think it’s the coolest. I’ve been subscribing since February and I have got some really neat things that have inspired me in my crafts and make me want to sell indie goods. I think my favorite thing from this issue was the little “Hello, my name is Crafty” patch. I think it’d be perfect on a T-shirt or a tote bag or something. Probably T-Shirt.

cute, crafty things.

Another reason I like the Sampler is just because I get to learn about new indie crafters. I like buying handmade things for gifts for my friends. One of a kind things are neat.

I got my latest Sampler in the mail today – a special summer issue that had so much good stuff in it! This was also the first issue in which I sent in items to donate. It was some of my dog stories that I made a couple of years ago in a pre-press class, but still totally cute and I thought it was a good way to get some of them out into the world and away from the darkness under my bed. I still have some left though. I don’t know what I’ll do with the rest. Save them forever, perhaps.

dog story.

Posted in random

2 Responses

  1. alyssa

    totally unrelated, but is that new bedding? it’s cute!

  2. mary

    i already answered this since i saw you tonight, but i shall answer it for the rest of the world! it is not new, it is actually old. it’s just my “summer” bedding. the end!

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